Things had been a bit hectic over the past week. Differences of opinions brought in conflicts and arguments. While life brings such situations, it’s how we react that makes a difference. My reaction at the moment was to head out to my solace.
I chose the terrace of a four-storey building where I occasionally go and work. The top floor has a glass closure for an office space surrounded by a brimming pool of water. Pigeons and crows flocked as one hovering over the pool to drink seeking refuge from summer’s heat. With the heat of the situation I was in, I needed my refuge too. While the wind blew, my mind began to relax. It began to think and observe.
Nature has its ways to heal anyone, anywhere and anytime. One just has to be open to what nature has to offer. I was standing on the terrace of a building, with traffic buzzing below in the middle of an urban locality. And found myself overwhelmed with nature’s prowess.
While the picturesque view of birds, water & buildings was a comforting sight, there appeared a man right in the midst of it all. He seemed to be sailing through the horizon with his feet submerged in water, pacing back and forth. The birds didn’t mind his presence and neither did he. The pool, nonetheless, was an open veranda to the terrace. Anywhere beyond that would land you straight to the ground below. He being a maintenance personnel cleaning the pool, seemed oblivious to fear. He kept his cool and calmly moved across cleaning the pool with his net. His work didn’t seem to intimidate him with the risks it offered. This sight gave me a moral to reflect upon my present situation.
It taught me to simply keep calm. I’m not sure how my present situation may be chronicled. But, I know what my reaction should be. It would be to keep calm and sail through, rowing gently through problems that may come my way.
There are a few things in life that aren’t just coincidence. They are meant to be. You’ll know for yourself if you’re at the right time, right place and at the right moment.
To all those reading, know that life has more to offer – solutions beyond problems. Problems may find you and for you to find the solution – “Seek and you shall find it“.
So remember – Row, row, row your life the way you want it. Just keep calm while you’re at it.