Kurian Cyriac

Kurian Cyriac


Ilyas Ahmed’s Scraptures

I was at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, to visit a friend’s galleria and found a Predator right at the entrance! Standing at close to 7 feet tall, stood the alien character adorned with scrap metal. It was no less than a work of art by Ilyas Ahmed. The scrap artist is based in Mumbai and has migrated to Bangalore with his…

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Milind Mulick’s Hues Of Watercolors:

The way the colours spread with water over an empty canvas can provoke an artist in you. Watercolors have that power. They are a fluid and captivating form of art – An art form I have been fascinated about since quite some time now. While my interest towards the medium mounts every time I try, so did the chance of…

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