Kurian Cyriac

Kurian Cyriac

INT. WORKSHOP – A Day Scripted For Screenplays With Ganesh Raj:

There is an evolution in the multidimensional world of cinema. From Production Units to Post-Production studios, technology is advancing to render movies to look bigger and better for the box office.

But what remains constant is the process of Screen Writing, which relatively follows a similar format since the Shakespearean plays. However, even today writing a screenplay is a creative yet confined journey towards the final draft – A draft that will breathe life into a film.

Last weekend, I attended an Under 25 Club’s ‘Interactive’ workshop by Ganesh Raj, Writer & Director of ‘Anandam’. Before becoming a director, Ganesh worked with Vineeth Sreenivasan & Anjali Menon, who are both prominent filmmakers of new age Malayalam cinema. Both these directors make films that strike a human connection.

The workshop didn’t really have much work or practical stuff to do. But the conversations were something that I enjoyed. From professional experiences to key pointers to a personal take on writing; Everything Ganesh said added to a mix of wisdom imparted upon a 100 of us who attended the session. As an aspiring writer, I could relate to what he had to say and also could connect with his approach towards making films – To make a film right from writing one yourself. Maybe that is something only a writer prone to filmmaking would understand. Well, I did.

After the session, I had a Tete-a-Tete catch up with Ganesh. While he was huddled around with fans seeking autographs and selfies, I simply thanked him for inspiring the writer in me. And also for this quirky letter signed by Ganesh Raj – Professional Writer Trying To Stay Amateur


Overall, it felt good to be in a workshop full of like-minded peeps and also to meet  & interact with a Writer-Director who practically made a film from script to screen.

I am now motivated to write more stories for films. Not for the big screens or for YouTube. But to make films to express my opinions, thoughts and the way I see the world.

Zoning-in to write more. 
