In a world where crime & corruption are a clichéd aspect, it is very rare to find a saint unless he/she is a child.
I found one such youngling at Pottery Town, Bangalore, while doing a Photo Walk & Talk session. She is flamboyantly elegant with her kitty party charms yet bold. She had absolutely no fear or shyness towards the camera. She even dared to smile as if she walks the ramp for a living. She is starry eyed, expressive and playful. She is Janani – my play date for the day.
The session went on for about 2-3 hours clicking pictures of pots, potters, people, and of course Janani with her friends. Before concluding, she took me around her neighbourhood through the gully streets and showed me where the pots were made. She clutched my palm with her little fingers and navigated by dragging me around. Even though I barely know her, a sense of social responsibility towards womanhood arose. It was an overwhelming and a proud moment.
Apart from PWAT sessions, I now have a new reason to be at Pottery Town. I only hope that she remembers me on my next visit. Else, I am heartbroken. Meanwhile, a picture with little Janani is my desktop wallpaper. It brings a smile. Thank you, Janani.