I was at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, to visit a friend’s galleria and found a Predator right at the entrance! Standing at close to 7 feet tall, stood the alien character adorned with scrap metal. It was no less than a work of art by Ilyas Ahmed.
The scrap artist is based in Mumbai and has migrated to Bangalore with his creations. He was at CKP to exhibit and sell his works. I had a brief conversation with him appreciating his efforts and unique style of art. Carrying the talk further, I asked him about how he makes such wonders. He told me that it takes about a month’s time to finish a sculpture which is of his size. And, for the miniatures, he hardly needs a day or two. Even though he makes them of his own free will, he also works on customized orders for his clientele. Sculpting scraps is more like his hobby and selling them is a profession. He quotes an average of 15 lakh per life-sized sculpture. He claimed to have already sold one to a shopping mall in the city.
Even the mere scraps can add value if art becomes a part of them. For me, those sculptures were not just works of art, but also an inspiration. It motivates me to get back to my artistry. Thank you, Mr Ahmed, for inspiring me.