Kurian Cyriac


The Creative Flare In A Corporate Whirlpool:

Life working in a creative profession is not all fun and jazzy as one may seem to fathom. There is a decorum of regulations that bounds creativity within a corporate juncture with mandated guidelines, timeliness, deadlines and what not! Although these regulations are set in places to maintain a certain discipline, they overshadow one’s creativity due to the very boundaries…

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Play Date With Janani

In a world where crime & corruption are a clichéd aspect, it is very rare to find a saint unless he/she is a child. I found one such youngling at Pottery Town, Bangalore, while doing a Photo Walk & Talk session. She is flamboyantly elegant with her kitty party charms yet bold. She had absolutely no fear or shyness towards…

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Ilyas Ahmed’s Scraptures

I was at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, to visit a friend’s galleria and found a Predator right at the entrance! Standing at close to 7 feet tall, stood the alien character adorned with scrap metal. It was no less than a work of art by Ilyas Ahmed. The scrap artist is based in Mumbai and has migrated to Bangalore with his…

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Ulidavaru Kandante (As Seen By The Rest)

In a competitive world of film making where the question is always about how much a film is worth, it is hard to find a cinema which is artistically and commercially appealing. Ulidavaru Kandante is one such film. The film directed by Rakshith Shetty is a wonder in itself. It takes you through the perspectives of different characters and strategically…

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The Actor In Manjunath Gowda

I had seen Ugramm, a Kannada Blockbuster, a year ago at Mysore. The fast-paced story-line had me gripped by the film. A year later I happened to have an in-depth conversation with one of the many, but outstanding villain actors of the movie - Manjunath Gowda. The character portrayed by Manjunath clearly sets his role apart from the army of…

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INT. WORKSHOP – A Day Scripted For Screenplays With Ganesh Raj:

There is an evolution in the multidimensional world of cinema. From Production Units to Post-Production studios, technology is advancing to render movies to look bigger and better for the box office. But what remains constant is the process of Screen Writing, which relatively follows a similar format since the Shakespearean plays. However, even today writing a screenplay is a creative yet…

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Let Go

Let Go It Was Not Meant To Be It is easy to hold onto people or things and hard to let go. If only it would be the other way around. We are humans tied with emotions. Our heart’s choices can overwhelm our mind’s decisions. What could be sane get blinded by the whims of our desire. Else, we are…

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Rains That Rob The Day

When the rain decides to pour, it clouds the mind with a commotion, Weather to stay-in or step-out of the comforting confines of one’s station. If you step out, you are showered by the rain’s blessing with every drop. If not, let your windows and roof shield you from your day that’s robbed. The day stolen not by wily burglars…

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The Good, The Bad, and VIKRAM VEDHA:

If the choice is between good and bad, it is easy to choose. But in this story, both are bad. What do you do? - Vedha (Vijay Sethupathi) Vikram Vedha is a psychological thriller with the film’s title counterfeiting the folklore of Vikram-Vedhaalam. The story draws a contrasting yet like-minded connection between a crime-fighting encounter specialist Vikram, played by R.…

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A Reflection Of Who I Am And What I Do:

To the world – I am none but a memory and an illusion. A mere reflection of how people perceive me with their own mindset of who or what I ought to be. But, I remain loyal to my own making of miseries and joy, regardless of the worldly opinion for the way I am. As time passes with each…

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